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MUTIMEDIA Productions...

Some Multimedia Productions done by The LOGUS Group over the years.

The 70th. Anniversary & 6th. Annual Battle/Re-Enactment of Los Angeles...(2012)

A Multimedia Production by Pleiku Pictures/The LOGUS Group, on the 70th. Anniversary and the 6th. Re-Inactment of "The Battle of Los Angeles". At first, this historical World War II, event was downplayed by The United States Government as a false alarm, but in the 1970's, it was later 'declassified' that actual enemy aero-craft and/or a ship was prowling The California Coastline. During this production... an actual seperate documentary film production crew was also at this event

Cousins of The Sky 1910-2010... (2010)

A Multimedia Production by Pleiku Pictures/The LOGUS Group, on the 100th. Anniversary of Present day Aviation and Aerospace, that started at the once famed Dominguez Airfield and extends into the many "Cousin's" and associates that would create and contribute to the birth of The Aero-Space Industry.

The Bronx Apparition of 1962 and The Miracles of Divine Mercy... (2012)

A Multimedia Introduction by The LOGUS Group for A Face Book Site, under the same name, for an actual unexpalined Divine Apparition Event of "The Christ" appearing to Two young boys at a church in The Bronx, New York on September 1962 and The Milacles of "Divine Mercy" that conrinue to occur to the present day. 

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