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PSYCHICAL RESEARCH and Mind Dynamics...


When we think of Parapsychal Resrach and Parapsychology... most of the general public think of ghost and/or things that go bump in the night....

In reality, over 125 years ago, a thinktank/clearing house was created to professionally discern and varify the truth and falsehood of so-called Spiritualism and Phenomenom(s). In the 1800's, The creation of "The Society for Psychical Research" (SPR) and it's Sister Organization "The American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) were professionaly organized so to investigate and research this and other related subjects by respected members of The Medical, Scientific and Clergical Fields, so to share and exchange accurate informantion that could benefit sound explaination(s) to their fields of stud and research.


For many decades to follow... both accurate and fraudulant reseach, has been discovered and exposed. For the ignorant that choose to follow their own paths, there have been actual scienific, medical and Clergical breakthroughs... unfortunately, most of the general public has been saturated by the opposite anti-psychical factions that don't realized that so much reality of concepts and ideas have left them in the dust and that most of the so-called "New Age" Movement, seemed to have lost their way in both true scientific and spiritual-human reality, that it is difficult to imagine where one starts and the other ends... due to so much borrowing and exploitation over the years, leaving most of the general public in a state of blissful delussional confusion.


To understand at least a smattering of truth... you need to go almost back to the beginning...     

Pioneers of Early Psychology and Psychical Research

Dr. Fredric W. H. Myers

Sir William Crookes

Prof. William James 

Other Noted Family and Cousins in the field of Psychical Research...

Dr. Rufus Osgood Mason

Before becoming a Medical Surgeon and Praticioner, Dr. Mason studied to be An Ordained Minister and was considered a star student by his instructor, but for personal reasons, changed his direction and became a teacher. During "The American Civil War", be became a Navel Ship Doctor and Surgeon and created contributed toward the field of Early Battlefield Medicine, that is used even to this day. His embracing toward things "Psychical", came in a series of articles on the subject as well as clinical investigation from a medical point of view. His contribution to this field is wel noted and his published books also speak for themselves.

Theodore Roosevelt Sr. (II)

As a young student at Harvard College, Theodore Roosevent embrased the theories and ideas of Early Psychology and Psychical Research from his instructor, Prof. William James. When The American Society for Psychical Research was founded shorty after the founding of The Society for Psychical Research, Roosevelt jined as Founding Charter Member, along with His Cousin, Dr. James West Roosevelt. The First Founder and Presodent of The ASPR, would be Prof. William James.

Dr. James West Roosevelt

As a Medical Practitioner, Dr. James West Roosevelt, a Direct Cousin to Theodaore Roosevelt Sr. (II), found the subject of Psychical Research an verty interesting subject from a medical point of view. Like his Cousin, Theodore, he too joined The American Society for Psychical Research as a Charter Member. It is not entirely known at the time id he contributed any important research data, but none the less... was supportive of it's research untill his untimely passing.

George Hall

Nephew of Charles Hall, the inventor of the Aluinum Process and A Founder of ALCOA, As a young student at Stanford University, Mr. Hall participated in a number of simple Psychical Research experiments on the campus... during the time, when Herbert Hoover, was Chancellor of The University. Decages later... also to his passing, he would be amazed at the progress Psychical Research had made since his student days at Stanford. 

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